
Some good news - I got a grant!

About a year ago, things were very different in my corner of writing land. I still had a relationship with my publisher, I was finishing up my PhD, an no one had heard of COVID-19. I imagine most of us had a different view of things back then.

Even without COVID, there’s been a veritable mangle set of stuff go on between then and now. It’s not all bad. It’s not all good, either. Mostly, it’s just been change, which is usually a good dollop from both buckets.

However, a few things have clicked into place in the last few months, and one I can finally talk about is that I’ve been successful in landing a grant from Arts Queensland. This will allow me to boot straight into writing work for about 6 months from September, producing three new stories (2 novels and 1 novella) across both genres I write, plus some workshop proposals for writers and a few other things (this includes the Twenty-six Letters novel that my readers here have heard about, and two SF projects, which I’ll talk about over on the other blog). All these projects have been things I just haven’t been able to get to over the last more-than-a-year. It’s phenomenal to have this chance to lean back in hard to creative work. I can’t wait.

So, thanks to Arts Queensland for the opportunity, and to all the other people in my life who have made it possible to do this, including my awesome writing buddy, my family, and my super cool workplace. It’s a real team effort. I’m looking forward to making good on your support.


This project is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland.