Book 52 - A trip to the bottom of the world with mouse #100daysofbooks (verdict: odd)

Day 52's entry is the odd cartoony story, Trip to the bottom of the world with mouse, or, more accurately, a voyage to Antarctica with a mouse who doesn't want to be there. Read alone, this book is just strange, with a bunch of events taking place including seeing penguins (of various types) and swimming in warm water above an undersea volcano, all the while with the mouse asking if they can go home yet. It turns out that the book is based on the author's actual trip to Antarctica (the events, I'm guessing, not the homesick mouse). This makes a heap more sense, but it's still a strange read as an adult.

Master A's verdict: Got a few laughs, but it might have been because he spotted himself in the mirror across the room. Reached for the pages; had to save said pages from being ripped (board books are safer right now).


What's on tomorrow? another library pick.