
Book 84 - Dinosaur Rescue! #100daysofbooks (verdict: madcap!)

Day 84. I had a very different idea of what Dinosaur Rescue! would be about from the title. But it's actually dinosaurs being rescuers. And they're not anthropomorphised dinos either - it's a T-rex and a triceratops (etc) driving firetrucks and ambulances, rescuing people when there's a mishap at the old train tracks. This is madness, and will no doubt be awesome fun for fans of: dinosaurs, trucks, emergency services, sirens of any kind, and trains. Quite a ride. I can just imagine the acquisitions meeting when this one came up - yeah, it's like police rescue, but WITH DINOSAURS!

Master A's dad pointed out that one page broke the rhythm of the rhyme, but maybe it's there just to keep the parents on their toes ;)

Master A's verdict: Seemed again to enjoy this one. Would wouldn't?


  • Title: Dinosaur Rescue!
  • Author/Illustrator: Penny Dale
  • Source: Borrowed from local library
  • Publisher: Nosy Crow

What's on tomorrow? Another library pick.