
The Paris Wedding Launch Party

I've been tardy in writing about The Paris Wedding's launch last Friday night, partly because the last week had been a terrible no-sleeping storm here (natural insomniac tendencies + the-wakeful-toddler) and I tend to forget the things that aren't immediate pressing deadlines. But, here I go!

I want to thank once again the wonderful cosplayers, led (instigated?) by my mother Isobella and my step-dad, Vic. They organised dual (the first time I typed it, I wrote 'duel') Australian and French flags, and berets and stripey shirts and colourful umbrellas just like on the book's cover - Vic even played quintessential French accordion music. I was really touched by the effort. Avid Reader once again excelled in events management with flawless organisation, the wonderful Krissy Kneen MC'ing, and my lovely publisher Rebecca Saunders leading the conversation. There was wine, and signing, and stories about Paris and writing - a very good time.

This all capped off a week in which The Paris Wedding and The Horseman have been in the iBooks top 20 paid books (at one point, 2 and 3 in romance). Some wonderful reviews have been coming in so it really did feel like a celebration. Thanks again to all.

Cosplayers bring the colour!

Cosplayers bring the colour!

The official part! Me at left, Krissy Kneen centre, with Rebecca Saunders at right.

The official part! Me at left, Krissy Kneen centre, with Rebecca Saunders at right.

Signing table after the rush ... and a nice wine :)

Signing table after the rush ... and a nice wine :)

The Paris Wedding launch and giveaway

I'm very pleased to confirm that my publisher, Rebecca Saunders, will be the official launcher for The Paris Wedding! We'll be having the launch party at Avid Reader (a truly awesome independent bookshop in Brisbane) in West End on 7 July 2017, 6 for 6:30pm. Avid always put on a fantastic event, and it's free, but you'll need to click here to register for numbers. Come and find out more about behind the scenes writing The Paris Wedding, enjoy a glass of wine, and celebrate with us. I'll be signing books, and feel free to bring previous books along, too.

And now to the giveaway ... to celebrate the launch, I'm giving away a personally signed and fresh off the press (literally - I got the books yesterday!) copy of The Paris Wedding, plus a copy of The Horseman. To enter, simply sign up for the newsletter (if you're already a subscriber, you're entered). Entries close 16 June 2017, 5:00pm AEST and the lucky winner drawn at random. Good luck :)

If you can't make the launch, you can check out the upcoming library events - I'll be answering questions and signing books there too.