Halloween special: Characters I've killed

graves Every writer has a few skeletons in the closet, and in this context I mean the bones of characters who appeared in the first draft, but who vanished without a trace before the story saw the dim light of a reader's beside lamp. (Another time I might talk about characters who were actually killed off in the story, or ones that were going to be killed but ended up with a reprieve.)

For me, this seems to happen mostly with the secondary and speaking extra cast (whereas primary characters are more likely to have reconstructive surgery, a la extreme makeover - more about that another time). So I present a small tribute to the characters I've cut from my stories, and the very good reasons for doing so.

1. Hamish. In the first novel I ever wrote (The Q Line - still lingering in my bottom drawer) the early drafts had this lovable tweenage character who injected some light relief into the story. Or so I thought. Actually, Hamish was an irritating, wide-eyed troublemaker who created a tone problem (who would have thought in a dark sci-fi?) and stole scenes from the main cast. Every person who read the draft hated him. Now, likeability isn't a must, but distraction from a pleasing tone and core story are mortal sins. Cut.

2. The Ambos and Mike. In my next novel Crystal Creek, the early drafts included two ambulance officers (whose names now escape me - probably more evidence to the wisdom of cutting them) and Mike, a friend of an important secondary character. The main problem with these three was that they created convenient situations for the heroine to solve certain problems. When I removed them, I actually forced the heroine to be more proactive, solving her own problems rather than having other characters prompting her to do so. It made a more compelling story for her, so Mike was eliminated, and the ambos reduced to speaking extra characters in one scene only.

3. The Unnamed Sister. In the first draft of Crystal Creek, the heroine had a sister who figured in a secondary plot. The trouble with this was what that plot did to the story - because of the kind of character she was, it injected a dark and melancholic tone, which was at odds with the overall tone of the book. So I cut the character along with the secondary plot (and later had to create a different character and a new secondary plot to take it's place).

Actually, as a writer, I seem to be much better at spawning characters in subsequent drafts than killing them, and some of them (like Valerie Turner in Ryders Ridge) are favourites of mine. The ones that get cut have some fundamental problem for the story. I was never going to care about them anyway, so the story is better off without them.

So if you're a writer, pay attention to the secondary cast if you have problems with tone or your primary characters being reactive or passive - maybe one of them could be sacrificed to give the main story room to move. And if you're a reader, I'd be curious to know any stories where you think a character would have been better off not being there! Happy Halloween :)

Does romance fiction give women unrealistic ideas about relationships?

beachheartAt Brisbane Writers Festival a few months ago, I was on a panel with Kim Wilkins, Kate Cuthbert and Kylie Scott to talk about 'love stories', and the above question was posed to the panel. At the time, we talked about women being smart enough to tell the difference between fiction and reality and some other things, but the question has been bothering me ever since. And I think I've finally figured out why.

The short answer is, yes, sure. I reckon romance fiction could give unrealistic ideas about relationships – but in the same way that ANY made-up story could give unrealistic ideas about anything.

But the problem, really is in the question. Why are we asking this? What does 'unrealistic' mean? So let's unpack it.

At the core, this question seems rooted in a cynicism that is probably only rivalled by our attitudes to politics. We expect all politicians to lie, to be shallow and evasive – it doesn't surprise us when this turns out to be the case. These stories enforce ideas we already hold about the scummy world of politics, a kind of confirmation bias that props up the way we see the world.

So when someone asks about unrealistic expectations and romance, I see the same kind of bias loading up behind the question.

I write across the genre spectrum, and I've been on panels for both romance and science fiction at the same festival or convention. The thing is, this kind of question is never asked in science fiction. We don't ask – does science fiction give people unrealistic expectations about the future? Or about the world around them? No. We ask – does science fiction inspire science? Or, does science fiction predict future technology? We're interested in the positive effects of the genre – its ability to influence our direction.

I've often felt the need in such discussions to bring up the flip side of those conversations – that science fiction tends to give a skewed view to science ethics, through the mechanism I'll call 'narrative bias'. Narrative bias is the tendency for stories – especially fictional ones – to focus on the problems or conflicts of a situation. Therefore, for a new technology (say, something to do with genetics) there's a tendency to have in mind all the problems science fiction stories have thrown up about that kind of technology (Gattaca, anyone?). Watch the news and you'll see how often a story leads with "it's supposed to be the stuff of science fiction, but ...". Science fiction is intertwined with how we think about science. Therefore, this narrative bias is important to how we conceive potential problems.

Romance seems, however, to get the flip side argument as default. (And this is despite the strong cultural pockets we have who are just as heavily invested in sci-fi as perhaps some other readers are in romance.) We begin with 'unrealistic expectations' not with 'does romance fiction inspire better relationships'. And I have to wonder if that same political-style cynicism is at work here. We somehow expect that all relationships will be difficult. That men will cheat. That women will change. That women are naturally somehow given to fits of unreality, especially when it comes to relationships, or, that women's thoughts on this subject are to be questioned and mocked. That the idea of a more exalted way of being with each other – that two people are truly in love with and respect each other – is some kind of unattainable pipe dream, like the interstellar travel of the future. And such challenge seems to be seen as positive for genres like science fiction, because they stretch the possible. Ask questions. Pose answers. Give us new visions of being, even if those are a long way off. But somehow, in romance, such questions and visions are to be derided, even though they challenge the most fundamental and common situation that any of us will encounter. Few of us will go into space – but many of us will have romances.

Romance, too, being narrative, writes about conflict and problems. A story (at least, in the way we understand it) doesn't exist without that element. But the part that seems to attract attention and scorn is the happily ever after ending. Somehow the idea that the characters have worked out their problems, have come to some better place, is 'unrealistic'.

Now, of course, we know that in real life, this does not always happen (nor should always happen). I've read plenty of romances with stories and endings I thought were stupid, demeaning or ridiculous. But the same can be said of any other genre's narrative too – the heroes do not always win; the world is not always saved; we are not always freed from the yoke of tyranny. I've read plenty of science fiction that's stupid, demeaning and ridiculous, too. And yet, other genres do not cop the cynicism of creating unrealistic expectations the way romance does. Other genres are allowed to be aspirational – perhaps at times silly or farfetched – but certainly lacking the negative connotations attached to a question like: Does romance fiction give women unrealistic ideas about relationships?

So let's be honest. There's a jaded energy boiling behind such a question, which speaks perhaps of frustration and hurt, of a long history of concern over what women are reading in books, and maybe even a trace of mocking romantic relationships as serious fodder for stories. And perhaps there is the nub of the issue – while science fiction tends to speak to our pragmatism (except where it taps deep fears), romance is deeply emotional, and we deal far more easily with practical problems than emotional ones.

But maybe that's also, if we are brave, why romance in fiction is important. Because it is the genre that aspires to understanding ourselves in the ways culturally we least like to – within our most vulnerable parts. Our needs, especially as women, and especially where those issues connect with sexuality and power. Easy to mock. Not the stuff of Hollywood heroics, nor the bare-faced bleakness of the worst real-life conflicts (and there's a genre for that too). But it is no less courageous, and the fact the question comes so loaded seems to suggest that romance fiction has power – enough that someone worries about what that power is doing to women.

And maybe that's the most interesting part, and worthy of questions, and more discussion.

Book 3, news, and radio silence

Dear readers - it's been busy busy these last few months as I'm working a contract job (and madly writing/editing at night!). The good news is that Book 3 has a new title (more on that soon), and I'll be at Brisbane Writers Festival next weekend - come and say hello at my Sunday panels (10am for spec fic and 11:30am for Australian romance) :-) I'm also working on another short story which I'm hoping will be available free before book 3's release next year. That's all for now!

Insanity week!

So, it's a crunch week. Working a new job full-time, Base Nowhere manuscript due in next week, two workshops to prep and I can't tell you what else. But! I've got five minutes to say what a great time I had last week at Cleveland Library, talking about Iron Junction, and then at BayFM with Bruce Walker. Thanks to all the staff and attendees who made the day flow flawlessly (including the awesome display!). And I'll look forward to those coming to the creative writing workshop this Saturday at Victoria Point Library. More news in a few weeks when deadlines have been met and sleep caught up. :) Clevelandlib (Large)

Books From Our Backyard, launched!

This week, I had the pleasure of attending the 2013 Books From Our Backyard launch at the State Library. BFOB is a fantastic project - a catalogue of books by Queensland writers across a huge range of genres. It's gratifying to see so many excellent local writers being published, and an excuse to get together with some of them to celebrate never goes astray. I was very happy to spot Ryders Ridge in the mix (despite my poor attempt at selfie). There's tons of great reading in the catalogue, so check it out - there's something in there for you. Wonderful Queensland Writers - Rachael Amphlett, (me), Christina Brooke, Tina Marie Clark, Kendall Talbot, Noelle Clark and Helene Young.

Attempt at selfie goes awry ...

Best to leave the camera to someone else!

Ryders' entry into the catalogue :)

Upcoming Events and New Page

Hello all :) The EOFY is just a few days away, which means the year is about to turn the corner into Festival Season, which I look forward to each year. I'm pleased to say I'll be at Brisbane Writers Festival again this year, Brisbane's premier event for readers and writers. Drop down and say hello at one of the panels - I'll let you know which ones I'm doing closer to the time. In July, I'm chuffed to have been invited to give book talks and a workshop in some of the council libraries across Brisbane. These are:

  • Victoria Point Library - Creative Writing Workshop: 26 July, 9am–1pm. If you've ever wanted to write a story but don't know where to start, this is for you. Please contact the library to book.
  • Indooroopilly Library - Author talk: 15 July, 10:30am.
  • Cleveland Library - Author talk: 17 July, 11am–noon.

Finally ... I've published the first version of my FAQ Page for Writers. Any feedback appreciated, and I endeavour to add more resources and information over time.

And with that, I'm about to dive into the Base Nowhere manuscript, which means a few weeks of relative silence from me. See you on the other side. :)

Resources for Writers

Helly lovely readers. Well, June is well and truly here and that means that I'm not only marking student assignments, but shortly will be deep in an edit of my next book (due in at the end of July). I'm itching to get back to it! At the same time, I'm receiving lots of questions from both my students and other writers out there. I love hearing from everyone, but it's clear that a few questions are common and I could make my website more useful by answering some of them online. To that end, I'm working on a "For Writers" page, which I'll stock with FAQs about writing, getting published, and a few useful resources. Stay tuned :)

Winter Warmer Gift Pack - Winner!

Winter GiveawayThankyou to all the wonderful readers who entered my winter warmer gift pack giveaway - we had 70 entries and I enjoyed seeing the photos and reading your comments. However, there can only be one winner, and after folding and shaking all those entries, and blindfolding my husband to select the lucky piece of paper (drumroll ....), that winner is Ted and Delores Bebbington, who posted over on the Facebook thread - congratulations! I'll be in touch to have the gift pack speeding your way very shortly. Sorry there can't be a winter warmer gift pack for everyone, but I hope you're finding other ways to keep warm in your part of the world. Wishing you a good day, and happy reading :)

Winter Warmer Book Pack Giveaway!

Winter Giveaway Now that the chilly brrr weather is finally upon us, it's the season of coats, doonas and hot drinks. If you're down south, maybe you're already cracking ice off the windscreen. And if you're up north, well, maybe you finally put on a t-shirt instead of a singlet!!

Regardless of where you are in our great land, to celebrate the appearance of winter, perfect season for reading in your long socks, dressing gown, or snuggie**, I am giving away a winter warmer reader's gift pack, including:

  • Personalised signed copy of both Ryders Ridge and Iron Junction
  • Chocolates to nom nom while reading
  • Tea mug to hold hot beverages (perfect for melting chocolates in mouth into saucy heaven). To set the mood for your rural reading adventure, mug is carefully selected to be at home either in a station kitchen or crib room, aka "trendy industrial chic"***
  • Tasty tea to brew in above mug! I've included both Perth Breakfast, in honour of Iron Junction's WA setting, and Toasty Warm, the toasted marshmallow of teas, perfect for winter nights.
  • Bookmarks to keep your place when you get up to make more tea.

Simply comment on this post (or on the Facebook thread) to enter - winner to be chosen by random draw. Entries close midnight (Brisbane time) on Wednesday 21 May 2014. Gift pack will be speedily in the post soon after that - good luck!

**any brave people who post (either here or on the Facebook page) a picture of their favourite winter house socks, blanket, snuggie or other snuggly reading companion (animals accepted!) will receive a double chance to win!

***I claim no special knowledge of what is "trendy" or "chic". But, mug is guaranteed to hold hot beverages. :)

Update: Although my books aren't available for sale everywhere overseas (yet!), I'm quite happy to ship to an international winner, so enter away, even if you're outside Australia :)

Brrrrrrrrrr! Or, a few days in Canberra ...


I'm in Canberra for a few days this week, mainly for some tech writing work, but also sneaking in some writing and catching up with friends. Today, on a mission to find a scanner in our nation's capital (which I've done more than once on the road when editing must be returned ...), I went on a long chilly walk. Canberra is really very pretty, in an almost alien fashion. It's autumnal, showing off foliage in shades of umber, orange, rust, lime, yellow and every shade in between...


... but it's also very ordered, with geometric shapes that look best from the air; manicured, sprawling streets; and lots of feature buildings. Every time I come here, I look forward to a few things in particular: Questacon (of course!), the War Memorial, the relaxed traffic experience, and the postcard moments around every corner.


And on chilly days like these ones, when the cold air gives the sunlight a hard edge, I also think about Silver Brumbies in the snowy mountains just a few hours south, like I'm reading Elyne Mitchell under the covers again. For now, I'll have to suffice with a laptop on my knees, a hot cup of tea and some good wordage. But I've got an idea in the pipe for a winter book giveaway when I return, so stay tuned for that. :)


Talking romance

Yesterday, I had the fortune to be invited to the Roses Down Under readers' group at Rosemary's Romance Books. Rosemary's is a boutique bookstore dedicated to romance of all flavours, and has a level of personal service that immediately makes you feel at home. We spent a lovely few hours talking about books (a lot about mine, which no writer can really complain about) and I learnt a few things, too (like the upcoming Outlander TV Series, how did I miss that?). Everyone was warm and welcoming and I thank Rosemary for the invitation. 20140503_153045

Book 3 ... progress update!

UntitledWith Iron Junction's launch just gone, it's time to be moving on with the next book (***I would have preferred this said "drinking cocktails in the Caribbean", but sadly untrue...). And today I have progress to report ... the first edit is done, and it's time for me to do one last skim before sending to my trusted beta readers. Then I will have time to edit again before sending it to my publisher in July. The book should be out before this time next year. Between the first draft and this second draft, the manuscript put on a bit of weight (around 6000 words more), but that's fairly usual for me. I'm still calling it Base Nowhere, but I don't know if the title will stick to the end. I'm also brewing my ideas for books 4 and 5 in the background - but will stay focused on the current project for now. It's nice to have that sense of where things are going next, though.

Iron Junction's fabulous launch

  Meg Vann officiating with flair

Last night, a horde of excited readers descended on Wandering Cooks for Iron Junction's official launch, braving even the rugby traffic. Food, wine, friends and books makes for a winning combination, and we all had a great night. I want to especially thank QWC CEO Meg Vann for her lovely launch speech, and for her deft conduct of our Q&A, and my equally lovely publisher Bernadette Foley for coming all the way from Sydney. Rebekah Turner also excelled in organising cool themed choccies and waterbottles, and finally, the group of cos-players who came dressed in hi-vis and hardhats (and scared me witless when I thought we were being evacuated!). Thankyou all!


Sales counter





The gorgeous arrangement from everyone at Hachette - perfect :)


From cover 2 cover

Two lovely readers have messaged me in the last 24 hours to say they finished Iron Junction in a single sitting. I'm so flattered, because in today's world the luxury of such a block of time devoted to reading is a precious thing. Some of us are fast readers and some of us are slow, but there's something special about the long escape into story world, maybe by bedside lamp (or iPad light), barely registering the passage of time, except by our fingers turning (or clicking) the pages. Waking bleary-eyed after very little sleep, but satisfied because we had to finish it, and we did. This got me to thinking about the last time that I read a book from cover to cover, and I'd love to know yours, too. Or maybe you're the kind of voracious reader who regularly takes your books this way. Sadly, I rarely can, but I remember the last one I read in a single sitting very clearly. It was JR Ward's Lover Awakened. I read it on the couch in our little cottage, from early in the morning one Saturday until the sun was going down, and it was magic.

So what was the last novel you devoured wholesale? Or if you simply can't, the last one you wished you could have read this way?

The next novel - some truth about editing

A week before my second novel Iron Junction hits the shelves, and I'm doing what every writer does at this point - working on the next one. I finished the first draft of what I'm calling Base Nowhere before Christmas, and for the last two weeks I've been reading and making my editing plan. 20140319_131154 (Medium)

As many of you will know, I'm a huge fan of planning in writing and editing. And so now, I have mine for my first structural review. And here's the truth: I have 85 scenes in total. Of those:

  • 7 (8%) need replacing completely
  • 24 (28%) need substantial rewrites
  • 44 (52%) need minor edits
  • 10 (12%) I can keep pretty much in tact.

In addition, I have 17 structural issues in my notebook, and 355 comments in my word document, which are a combination of flags to aid solving the 17 issues, some smaller structural issues, and a few things that are working and are marked so that I don't accidentally delete them. It sounds like a lot of work (it is) but I've done this before, and it's where the magic happens.

20140319_131143 (Medium)

I have no issues with calling my first draft the "shitty first draft" as Kim Wilkins would say. I went through the same process with both Ryders Ridge and Iron Junction. And this is before I give it to a trusted editor to give me their opinion for my second edit. I love that I know what I have to do (well, I know what's wrong, at least ;)). But most of all, despite its faults, I love the story. And that's why all this is worth it - to find the very best version of the story within that first draft.

So, from now begins the real work, even as I'm starting to percolate ideas for the book that comes after this one. But there's no work I would rather do. If you'd like to love this trial of editing too, how about joining me for Year of the Edit at QWC? Happy writing.


'The Iron Road' - free eBook

IRON ROAD__FINALToday, I'm very excited to announce that my new short story, 'The Iron Road' is now available as a free e-book. I really love the cover and the story - I loved coming up with it and writing it, and I hope you will too. Perfect for a lunch break, before bed, or whenever you most like to read - if you're waiting for Iron Junction, why not download this and take a trip to the Pilbara a few weeks early? Here's a preview:

In the dusty red reaches of the Pilbara, a simple misunderstanding sends love off track... Stacey had thought Liam was the one. A fellow survey geologist who could discuss books as intelligently as he could detail rocks. Who looked as good in a tux as he did in his high-vis work clothes. She'd thought they'd found the perfect life: civilisation and adventure; together. But Liam hasn't told her everything. And now, on a ridge above a narrow outback gully, Stacey can see her perfect world crumbling before her eyes. Can their new love survive this unexpected obstacle?

Here's where you can find it:

Happy reading :)


Iron Junction Brisbane Book Launch - 11 April 2014

cover onlyI'm very excited to announce that the official Brisbane launch for Iron Junction is just around the corner, and I'm inviting you all to join in the celebration. Queensland Writers Centre CEO Meg Vann will be our special guest and official launcher. I hope you can join us!

Iron Junction Brisbane Launch
11 April 2014 @ Wandering Cooks
1 Fish Lane (Cnr Fish Lane & Cordelia Street), South Brisbane

RSVP by 9 April to either the Facebook event page, or email charlottenashauthor AT gmail.com

Book winners!

I was amazed and humbled by the responses on last week's book giveaway post. Those landscape experiences not only took me away - to golden beaches, waterholes, and down long dusty roads - but every story was heartfelt and personal. The posters were right - Australia is magical, every part of it. I want to thank everyone who posted (both here and on Facebook) for sharing their experiences - your passion for Australia was palpable, and made me very proud to live in this amazing country. I wish I could make all the posters winners, but with two book packs to send, there had to be a tough decision. As my favourite, I chose Lynn's story of wedgetail eagles on the road from Darwin to South Australia. I just can't go past majestic birds. I can still remember seeing injured wedgies at a wildlife park years ago and it broke my heart (and inspired a short story), so I loved this glimpse of them wild and free. Here's the post:

Driving South down the ‘track’ from Darwin heading for SA ..through the heat haze, rich red dirt & scrubby trees my son & I see what at first looks like shortish people running back & forth across the undulating road … As we get closer there appears to be a group of 5… We wonder what they’re doing … We come up over the next rise in the road & there in front of us are 5 magnificent & very large, wedgetail eagles. Mum, dad & their fledglings. We were stunned & in awe to see these incredible birds … They were feasting on a bullock .. & were quite calm about us slowing down to admire them. We were enthralled .. & humbled by their presence. Once again the magic & mystery of Australia’s outback reminded me how ancient our country us .. how majestic … & that we humans are tinier than a grain of sand. I love our country & never cease to be amazed at what appears over the hill & around the swooping curve.

My second random-draw winner was Beth, with her honeymoon story of snorkelling, clams and ill-placed flippers that made me laugh. Congrats to both - your books will be on their way very soon.

Book giveaway!

IJToday, a box arrived on my doorstep. On opening, I discovered a shiny pile of Iron Junction, basking in the aroma of new books. So, time to celebrate :) With release date only a couple of weeks away, I am giving away a double signed set of Ryders Ridge and Iron Junction to two lucky readers. 

To win, just comment on this post - I'd love you to share a sentence or two about your favourite Australian landscape experience. Whether it's the sparkling water of a north Queensland beach, the sunrise over a rugged inland bluff or just your special patch of the city suburbs. I will choose my favourite, and another commenter at random to receive the prizes (I'll also include anyone who shares or retweets this blog post on Facebook/Twitter in the random prize, so tell your friends). Comment before 5pm AEST this coming Monday 10 March to win! And good luck :)